TAn Agriculture post graduate, Herbs and medicinal plant expert and organic farming enthusiast, Mr. Singh has been in development sector for over 20 years now. He has been instrumental to initiate medicinal plant and organic farming cultivation on scale in Uttar Pradesh and forest based medicinal plan collection and processing system with many development organizations. He had been providing strategic support for herbal based formulations for livestock and organic livestock farming propagation.
Mr. Sanjeev Kumar
An Agriculture Graduate from BHU and Post Graduate in Livestock Production & Management from National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI), Karnal, Mr. Kumar took the responsibility of converting organization idea into action on ground. He has been providing management support to the organization as Managing Trustee. He has over 15 years of experience on grass root development action work and guiding and mentoring professional in the sector.
Nominated Members (Ex officio)
Mr Ujjval Sarkar
Mr Ujjval Sarkar is an Agriculture post Graduate and Management graduate with and have been with organisation since early stage. He has been nominated to Board as an organization functional representative. He had been leading the major organization management process and system setting work to upscale and deepen the impact and develop a culture of excellence.
Mr Bhishma Singh
A Post graduate in Science and with over 35 years experience, he has been nominated to Board of Trustee to represent organization. Associated since early stage, he has been looking after grass root quality monitoring work and supporting teams to have people focus of the program.