

Mission 2025


Our Mission is to transform goat based livelihoods from subsistence to significance and in this direction we have set a goal of reaching the following milestones by 2025.

  • Promote

    50000 sustainable Pashu Sakhies/Grass root cadre working with government governmnet agencies and non-

  • Establish

    state of art Artificial Insemination Center for Goat to store about 50000 frozen semen sample annually from 10 major goat breeds

  • Market

    100000 liters of goat milk sourced from 40000 rural goat farmers

  • Transform

    Pashudhan Bank (Leasing Of Livestock) a Rs 100 crore company with 20000 shareholders @Rs 50000 livestocks on an average

  • Introduce with at least 10000 quality goats whose progeny will also be market linked in advance

  • Open

    100 mini commercial goat farms with the help of trained rural youths in milk collection areas

  • Establish

    IGMA as a large training center for academic course in Livestock Business Management National Resource center for Goat based livelihoods at Lucknow

  • Handhold

    At least 10 Regional Centers to ensure quality training to aspiring commercial farmers/development developing a goat professionals cadre of 10000 competent cadre within and outside India