What is Kid Nursery?
Rearing goat kids of high genetic worth (post milk feeding of 90 days) under semi stall feeding conditions for six months and ensuring the supply of quality goats and bucks in the village and area is a key business and breed promotion goat of Kid Nursery.
A trained women goat farmers procure 5 to 10 kids of the best quality goats of the village and rearers it under optimum management to get good growth and earn significantly through the sale of such quality goats and bucks.
Why is Kid Nursery required?
The supply of quality goats and bucks is one of the essential components to strengthen goat-based livelihoods. Ironically as kids of high-quality goats grow fast and local butchers pay a higher premium price in comparison to low-growth kids, goat farmers most often tend to sell such high-quality male and female kids. This depletes the genetic quality of goats in the village and large herd size goat farmers are not able to rear kids properly.
Suck kids can be reared by landless families under an intensive management system and as the growth rate is high, the Feed conversion ratio is best at this stage. In line to plant nurseries where high-quality plants are grown under controlled conditions, this concept provides ideal conditions to grow such kids and sold as genet8ic material for further propagation in the area.
What is the innovation here?
Kids Nursery is a new concept propagated and technology of rearing standardized by The Goat Trust. A value chain strengthening happens as landless families and Pashu Sakhies take it as an income generation activity and the high genetic worth of male and female kids is conserved and propagated through this process.
So it combines both entrepreneurial initiatives and breeds up-gradation at the same time. Innovation had been on a new concept, standardization of process and combining entrepreneurship with a social cause.